Shedding New Light on Corporate Value
The most successful business strategies are those born from evaluation and consideration of the most complete spectrum of options and realities.
Often a key element of a successful business strategy includes merger, acquisition, divestiture, capitalization/recapitalization, or restructuring. These elements of a business plan can provide a renaissance of success opportunity.
Many business owners and managing executives have tremendously high achievement, knowledge, and skill in the specific areas of operations, marketing, production, finance, and administration. They are the leaders of the process of doing business.
The nuances, details, pitfalls, and opportunities presented in the merger acquisition, divestiture, capitalization/recapitalization, and restructuring arena are not necessarily part of the focused executive's repertoire. Plus, their individual long term and short term interest must always be balanced with those of the business entity they lead, which often requires external objectivity.
Prism Capital Group brings specialized expert knowledge and skill to your company's strategic team. Our job is to ensure that you get the clear and accurate picture of all the likely ramifications from including one of these strategies in your business plan. Further, we provide contingency planning, transaction packaging and negotiating services.
It is for these reasons that our positioning statement is "Shedding New Light on Corporate Value". In business, how much of the entire picture you can see can make huge differences in the outcome. Conjecture is no substitute for knowledge. We examine the "light" from which our clients see their business, from its various "component bands" in order to ensure the entire spectrum of potential is examined. Thus our symbol and our name, Prism, signifies the value we add to our clients' business strategies.